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Everything is created twice, first in the mind, then in reality. 🧬

We don't always have a plan but we must never forget our purpose. 🤩💪🏼💖💫

Life is life, timing is God's.⏳

It’s not perfect, however, He is. ✨🙏🏼💞~Jeremiah 29:11-13 .

Even when we hit 👉🏼 "The Wall"... .

When there is a wall in 

front of you, you can 

always choose to turn 

around; however in order 

to move forward in that 

direction you must either determine a way to go 

through it, around it, over 

it or under it... Regardless it's YOUR wall

and you must decide 

what to do about it. ✨👀💕

~Jk Hedrick ✨


So leave behind all fear and step out into faith.

He gave you now, the present. 🙏🏼 .

It is not perfect.

But like His love, it’s real and it's a gift. 🎁❤️💫

Be REAL, let’s go! ✨👊🏼🔥




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