"Let food be thy medicine, let medicine be thy food" 🌱
Cheers to LIFE, creativity in the kitchen 👩🏼🍳, the end of#selfisolation and my best girl being released to HUG MEEEE‼️🤩🍸💖🧬🥳
HEALTH is our most important commodity... You are immune until it happens to you. 😢😷🦠🤒😵🦠#WellnessWednesday#StaySafe
❤️ Dear Diary: It's Officially been 2️⃣4️⃣ Days Post#Covidand ➕ONE week of#isolation#quarantinedlifeRecovery... 🏡 Thank you to@uofuhealth#telehealth#telemedicinefor your expertise on the#frontlines👉🏼 Safe to say I'm on the other side ☺️🙏🏼💖🧬🥳#PraiseGod#JesusHeals
✨I felt symptoms on a Saturday afternoon 3️⃣ weeks ago (fever, headache, chills and fatigue), so I strapped on my#N95#facemaskand remained home in#Quarantine#isolation😷
On Day 2️⃣, my fever broke and I started to feel better (no cough, zero respiratory issues), still in#denialthat I would ever get the#CoronaVirus🙃 so I did a workout,#VirtualPT& hopped on my#ZOOMmeetingsattempting to get back to "normal"... ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Too much physical assertion 🥵, so Days 3️⃣ & 4️⃣ had me glued to my bed with a throbbing headache and the most insane levels of fatigue I have ever experienced in my life, nor do I wish on anyone else. 😭❤️😔
My symptoms came in waves and varied like a on a daily basis, but I was never severe. 😌🙏🏼💕 It is truly a horrible#rollercoasterride 😨🥴😷 .
Finally on Day 7️⃣ after another wave of fatigue hit, I called to set up my first#virtualdoctorsappt🏩 The staff was wonderful and confirmed my symptoms warranted a#Covid19test 🦠🩺🧪 Sure enough, within 2️⃣4️⃣ hours I had come back with a ➕ result. 📈😪
✨Due to the fact that there are so many unknowns and uncertainties, doctors recommend staying in#selfisolation#quarantinefor 1️⃣4️⃣ days upon contracting symptoms and another 7️⃣2️⃣ hours after your last symptoms have subsided. 😷💪🏼🔑#RideTheWave#StayHome#StaySafe#FocusOnYourHealth
📲Feel free to DM me with any questions 😘
✨👩🏼🔬🧬 Remedies that helped me overcome COVID: 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
🔹Hot Epsom Salt Baths
🔹Hot Chamomile, Fresh Ginger, Lemon, Cayenne Teas
🔹Essential Oils (tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender)
🔹Biohacking with the Tri-Synergizer: Nrf1, Nrf2 and#NAD
🔹Drink LOTS of AXIO
🔹Dry Brushing
🔹Prayer, Meditation, Breath Work
🔹Stretching, Yoga, Fresh Air
🔹Audio Books, Podcasts, Good Music
🔹Clean, sanitize, disinfect EVERYTHING
🔹Refuel with LOTS of fresh citrus, juices, fruits, leafy greens, garlic, onion, spices, vegetables and soups